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GetResponse Account

Getresponse Account Integrations: How To Get The Best Experience?

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Imagine a spider that only had a strand of silk to catch its prey, live and raise its offspring on. That’s what software is without integrations. It doesn’t work very well. 

Software integrations are often third party services that are built into other web-based services with A.P.I’s. In other words, they share data between each other to enhance the user experience. 

Typically, these services tend to improve the depth of application by providing a wide range of ancillary services  that users may benefit from on the customer journey.

How do software integrations work in email marketing?

Email Integrations make it easier to derive value once you sign up to a service.

Imagine having to import your contacts from MailChimp manually or having to copy phone numbers by hand into a MMS/SMS bulk messaging service. 

Although these are certainly important tasks for your business, completing them manually will likely hurt your business as the time spent is much better allocated to other tasks.

Here’s where GetResponse account integrations play such a key role.

Getresponse email integrations make it possible to benefit from specific features of multiple tools that are made available within your email marketing tool. 

With a getresponse email integration, you can integrate your contacts from different software like Gmail or Outlook with just one click then proceed to begin email marketing. 

These integrations also make it possible for marketers to link their email service provider with their POS systems to enhance the value and precision of commercial interactions. 

all getresponse account integrations

Why should you care about getresponse account integration tools?

For one, they allow you to keep track of automated marketing processes and provide you with tons of vital statistics about your audience or the folks who currently populate your contact list. 

These amazing tools also allow you to;

  • Customize your email campaigns
  • Integrate your online store 
  • Build your contact list by importing data from other sources etc.
  • The sections below cover some of the most important integrations that getresponse offers in its value package.


    Do you want to grow your contact list via SMS in the most affordable way ever? 

    Then, Textful is a perfect option for you! Textiful, as the name implies, is an application that you can integrate with Getresponse so you can reach out to your customers and build your contact list through SMS. 

    How does it work? When you make use of Textiful to send text campaigns to all your to-be and present customers.

    Textiful collects all their information – especially their email addresses, and automatically adds them to your Getresponse account. 

    For instance, if you send texts to a targeted set of people via Textiful; asking them to follow the prompt by texting your keyword to 444999.

    Automatically, Textiful sends them a customized text, requesting for their email addresses. 

    Once they respond with their email addresses, they receive a customized confirmation message from Textiful and their email addresses are automatically added to your Getresponse account. 

    It’s that easy! Interestingly, integrating Textiful into Getresponse is not at all difficult. In fact, it takes just few minutes but only if you follow this two-step set up:

    Step 1:

    Enable Textiful to communicate with your Getresponse. You only have to sign in to your Getresponse account and authorize Textiful to access your Getresponse account to get through this step. 

    Step 2:

    Next you need to set up the account that takes your collected email addresses. This comes with selecting the campaign that adds both your new and old email addresses. 

    Once you take these steps, your Textiful + Getresponse integration would be a huge success’


    Sumo provides you with all the tools needed to grow your email list. If you’re thinking of integrating Sumo with your Getresponse account, here are a few features you should look forward to experiencing: 

    List builder tool

    Sumo enables you to create attractive lightbox pop-ups to build your subscriber base. When used correctly, this feature if Sumo will help you deliver to your user, a good experience of signing in to your website. 

    Also, this feature helps you attract new customers who are willing to share from your brand’s product by patronizing you. 

    Scroll box

    For growth businesses, honing an email marketing strategy that works is key. With the ‘Scroll Box’ feature, you can create a trademarked and engrossing ‘subscribe’ pop-up after someone has scrolled down your page for a certain time. 

    Once the preset time limit is achieved, the scroll box asks your visitors for their email addresses and thereafter, you are able to update your email list and get down to the important business of communication.


    The ‘Highlighter’ feature let’s visitors highlight your content to share or tweet. Not only does it allow visitors to highlight your content, it allows you as a business owner to tweet about your article by selecting popular parts of your writing. 

    This feature is great if you’re looking to communicate your brand to an audience that expands beyond your email list. 

    Image Sharer

    Image sharer helps you to share images carrying a link to your post on social media platforms, such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. 

    This implies that whoever clicks on your image on either of these platforms would be directed to your primary page and most definitely, be a part of your contact list.


    If boring email marketing isn’t your thing, then, Vidyard is yours to explore! Getresponse allows you to integrate Vidyard so you can boost your business sales with embedded videos. 

    With Vidyard integrated to your Getresponse account, you are at liberty to add engaging videos and upload them on your landing page. 

    Besides, Vidyard allows you to edit your uploaded videos in a way that’s native to your landing page with options such as auto-play, loop, email campaign etc.


    Every email marketer’s dream is to build an online store that gets huge sales consistently and with Shoplo, it is possible.You can integrate Shoplo with your Getresponse account and start sending newsletters to your customers in a convenient way.With just a few clicks on Shoplo, you can build your own dream store and start selling immediately. Also, you never have to worry about uploading all your contacts to Shoplo.As long as you integrate your Getresponse account with Shoplo, you can easily contact your customers and keep them updated with various campaigns.At the click of a button, all the necessary information needed to implement a successful marketing campaign is transferred between Shoplo and Getresponse.Furthermore, Shoplo offers a list of distinctive tools that help to grow your business. These tools include:

  • Online store builder 
  • Easy to use platform 
  • A dashboard that combines all your marketplaces and social media 
  • Privy

    Email marketers can now massively grow their email lists with free, easy-to-use website popups and landing pages. 

    With Privy, marketers can create engrossing popups on their websites, persuading people to subscribe to their email lists. 

    To integrate your Getresponse account with Privy, you’d have to select “Setting” on your dashboard and click on “Linked account “ on the left side of your screen. 

    Thereafter, follow the prompts to integrate your Getresponse account with Privy. Once you integrate Privy with your Getresponse account, you automatically have access to sync your new emails, collected via Privy into your Getresponse account. 

    Also, Privy consists of simple and powerful targeting options like ‘Exit Intent’ that automatically show your popup offers to your visitors once they’re about leaving and ‘Auto-Show’ that automatically displays your popup offers as soon as a visitor opens your website. 


    Picreel serves as a surface on a site that helps you to generate data about a visitor such as email, name, and phone number. 

    Picreel lets you track visitor’s mouse and scroll movement on your website and then serve them the best offers as they navigate through your website. 

    To achieve this, Picreel provides you with fantastic templates to create and design your own offers that would popup when a visitor stays on your website viewing your content. 

    These popup offers would only display based on your business rules and the website content they’re viewing. 

    The recorded data on Picreel servers are automatically sent to your Getresponse account as leads via API. Consequently, these new leads are created in Getresponse and the fields are updated based on the data entered in Picreel overlay.


    OptiMonk provides marketers with tools powerful enough to gather quality subscribers for their mailing lists and convert them into customers using a well targeted email marketing campaign. 

    Also, OptiMonk dispenses an easy way to: 

  • Convert your visitors into leads 
  • Build your email subscription list
  • Increase your sales and conversions
  • How does OptiMonk work? 

    OptiMonk detects a behavior in your website’s visitor known as Exit-Intent. Exit-Intent means that your visitor is about to leave your website without buying or signing-up. 

    OptiMonk automatically detects this behavior and instantly displays your offer in a popover at the precise moment your visitor is about to leave your website. 

    You can create these pop ups in such a way that it doesn’t irritate your visitors nor decrease your rank on Google. 

    Integrating OptiMonk with your Getresponse account means that you can automatically add subscribers who have signed up through your Exit-Intent campaign to your Getresponse mailing list.

    Summary and Conclusion

    Software integrations make it possible for your business to weave a network of tools that lead to the right business outcomes. 

    In recent times, integrations have proven to be a more effective way to rapidly grow businesses and maximize profits. 

    The getresponse email marketing service comes complete with quite a number of integrations that help to accelerate how much value you can deliver. 

    Although this is not an exhaustive list, the integrations described here are some of the popular options and having them at your disposal will certainly make a world difference. 


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