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GetResponse vs. ActiveCampaign: Which Is The Best Email Automation Tool?

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I will compare GetResponse Vs ActiveCampaign in this article to help readers to choose the most suited email automation tool to grow sales.

These days, getting your email marketing game right is downright critical to success if you’re looking to make sales and create value for your customers on the internet. 

Why? Well, not only do a lot of people use email (3.9 billion in 2019) your commercial success on the internet depends on how quickly and effectively you can reach your customers. 

To this end, very few tools compare to Email marketing when it comes to reach and effectiveness. 

With over 73% of millennials self reporting a preference for email communications in their commercial relationships, ignoring email is a grave mistake and one that will certainly hurt your business if you indulge. 

What is email automation all about?

If you’re a small business owner, email automation is your bread and butter and the thing that’ll save all your stutters. It’s how you’ll retarget customers with situation-specific emails and call to actions that get them to buy from your website. 

It’s how you’ll send the right emails at Christmas, Easter and during Halloween. It’ll save you thousands of dollars when it’s black Friday and help reveal your customer’s journey so you know what works. 

What’s better – GetResponse Vs ActiveCampaign? You don’t even have to do it. 

Email automation lets you send emails to your customers based on how they behave on your e-commerce store. 

Also, it lets you plan creative campaigns that add value to your customers months in advance and it’ll help you, just as it helped Mike, take your business to the next level.

How can I achieve email automation?

We already covered how email marketing has transformed the face of modern business and how having a solid email marketing plan is the way to go in 2021. 

We’ve also covered how automation can save you tons of money and keep your business above water even during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you’re still reading, you’re probably wondering what the best option is for your business. Afterall, every business is a little different from the rest. 

The section below covers two popular options for email automation currently available. In this article, you’ll learn all you need to know about getresponse and activemail and hopefully, make the decision that will define the next level for your business. 

How about the other email automation options out there –  GetResponse Vs ActiveCampaign?

GetResponse and ActiveCampaign are extremely powerful email marketing tools and so, they’ll serve just fine and make your customers experience the very best you have to offer every single time. 

However, after you’ve read through this piece, you’ll understand what each one has to offer and have a better grasp of the trade offs and all that you stand to gain/lose from using one or the other. 


How to choose from GetResponse Vs ActiveCampaign

If you’re reading this, you know that getresponse can help you reach your business goals. For the most part, this service aims to deliver an all-in-a-box package for online business owners. 

Firstly, GetResponse is an email marketing tool with over 350,000 customers across the globe. It renders remarkable online marketing solutions and establishes entrepreneurs on an awesome scale of business growth. 

Secondly, GetResponse provides a pack of reliable tools that help small businesses or big blue chips and entrepreneurs build targeted subscriber lists so as to send them (subscribers) professional looking newsletters, video emails, and follow up campaigns. 

Finally, GetResponse serves its users with premium marketing automation, responsive email design, fantastic landing page, analytic tools, and lots of easy-to-use email templates.

Key features. 

  • FB Pixel
  • Sign up forms 
  • Pop ups 
  • E-commerce tools etc.
  • Tags and scores
  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Website visitor tracking 
  • Product recommendations etc.

Active Campaign

ActiveCampaign website

ActiveCampaign is an email marketing tool that comes complete with tons of advanced features for all your needs. To serve you properly, activecampaign has cached its offerings around specific key aspects of your business. 

Other than email marketing which is its core business, activecampaign also offers CRM, marketing automation, and live chat options that help you communicate with your customers, and puts you right at the center of your customers journey. 

Other than the above, ActiveCampaign offers tons of incredible tools that help collect and analyze data such as;

Key features

  • Site tracking
  • Email Automation
  • Event tracking 
  • Sales flow charts
  • CRM etc.

Now that we have a small sense of what they both offer, the next section pits the two email tools against each other on different metrics users self report as being important to their email marketing experience. 

Email Marketing:

As you’ve learnt, email marketing is important for your business and so, you want the very best tools at your disposal. In this aspect, very few tools compare ably with getresponse in terms of the breadth of its offering and experience for users. 

Once you sign up to use getresponse, you’ll get tons of templates that’ll help to ease the process when you go about creating your campaigns and automations. 

You’ll be able to send out electronic newsletters, autoresponders, A/B test campaigns,  sectionalized campaigns, and automated RSS feeds for your blog posts. 

Similarly, ActiveCampaign delivers a powerful email marketing experience. 

In ActiveCampaign, you can build any marketing campaign of your choice like triggered and targeted emails and also, autoresponders. 

Nevertheless, ActiveCampaign lacks some of the advanced features that help create a successful email marketing campaign. 

Features such as conversion funnels, webinars, and social media tools are not included in ActiveCampaign. If I were you, and searching for a comprehensive email marketing tool, I’d opt for getresponse. 

Survey building

Surveys help you learn about all sorts of things related to your business. If you lead any kind of business, you’re probably curious about whether or not your products satisfy your customers in the best way, hence, a survey. 

GetResponse contains a survey building that you can use to design or create customized surveys and attach them to the email sent to your subscribers. The GetResponse’s drag-and-drop builder allows you to create customized surveys with the aid of: 

• Multiple choice answers 

• Text answers 

• Subscription forms 

Once you’re set, all that remains is to attach the link directing your subscribers to the survey onto the email – the end! In addition, you can track your survey through GetResponse’s webinar to keep record of those that attempted the survey. 

On the other hand, ActiveCampaign does not include a survey tool. However, it allows you to carry out surveys with third-party tools such as SurveyMonkey, Survicate, and Typeform. 

If you’ve sold anything on the internet, having everything in one place and built in definitely helps save you time and money. However, if you don’t mind the extra hassle of a third party app, activecampaign does a pretty good job. 

Personally, I’m partial to the beautiful type forms. However, the lack of friction that getresponse offers with its built-in survey tool is more compelling especially when I’m planning campaigns out and need “clock-work” like efficiency on every front. 

Spam-Free and Deliverability:

Spam is all that unsolicited marketing garbage that somehow finds its way into your private and work emails. Deliverability refers to the probability that your emails will NOT disappear into a spam box somewhere. 

To boost deliverability and spam rates, getresponse partners with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across the globe to ensure successful delivery of your emails to your targeted audience/subscribers. 

Also, GetResponse is rightly known for its zero tolerance policy towards SPAM and untrusted security breaches. Consequently, Getresponse has developed an anti-abuse system that’s aptly called HYDRA and helps fight spam-related activities. 

With about 90.3% deliverability between in February 2020, activeCampaign performs consistently with deliverability rate for their emails. However, this metric has since dropped considerably reaching the low 70s as recently as September, 2020. 

Landing Page

GetResponse offers a whole suite of tools that you can use to create customized pages. 

Also, getresponse provides hundreds of amazing templates that you can use to build yourself a perfect landing page. 

Besides, the getresponse boasts a landing page that is incredibly easy to use and user-friendly too. If you’re worried about technical things, you should know that it’s all built intuitively to guide you as you go through the process.  

In 2021, over 47% of emails are read on a mobile device and so, getresponse offers mobile-optimized, rich featured experience that’ll look good regardless of the screen. You also get a built-in image editor that lets you clean up your product/service images for the perfect look.  

Recently, ActiveCampaign introduced a landing page builder that helps you create an impressive landing page. In truth, it has most of the same features as GetResponse which makes it really pleasing to use.


GetResponse comes complete with an active webinar tab that you can launch right from the dashboard. Once you click this tab, you’ll find a webinar software that allows you to create customized webinar, sign-up forms, and also create your own surveys. 

ActiveCampaign does not have this feature. However, you can still create a webinar via third-party tools like GoToWebinar, StealthSeminat, and WebinarNinja. 


If you sell anything on the internet, you need an email marketing service that’s suited to your objectives and business goals. 

As you shop around for options, you’re likely to find reviews about getresponse and active campaigns as they’re both well known and used by tons of marketers. 

In making a decision about what to buy,  you should consider the size of your business and the depth of your needs before you commit to one or the other. 

If you’re a small business with customers and in the process of crafting your strategy, activecampaign might serve you well. However, if you’re an established business with thousands of customers, it’ll be useful to consider getresponse. 

In conclusion, GetResponse and ActiveCampaign are both great and efficient email marketing tools, depending on the one that best meets your needs. 

However, you can choose to try out the freemium plan for each of the email marketing tools and then weigh which best suits your business needs.


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