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youtube monetization matt par

How To Monetize YouTube Channel With Matt Par And Make 6 Figures?

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Learn Youtube Monetization With an expert, Matt Par

If you’re reading this, chances are, you’ve seen those swanky videos on YouTube, and like me, you’ve spent many hours watching, and wondering how you monetize your YouTube channel and grow it to hyper-profitable from scratch. 
You’ve probably also thought about how you might grow it to the top of the world – complete with a great audience, monetization, merch and maybe one day, a tour around the world.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: What Should my YouTube Channel be about?

Everyone who has contemplated starting a YouTube channel has had to confront this question, and answer it to some degree at least. 
It should most probably reflect Your Voice!!!. 
This is the one thing that’s most ignored among many aspiring YouTube creators which is why the top YouTubers receive 90% of all the views.

  • What do you want to say?
  • Why does it matter to you? 
  • How passionate are you about it? 
  • How do you plan to make people feel by creating it? 

If you can answer these questions honestly, you’ll be at least half way to finding the core of what your YouTube channel should be about. 

The Matt Par Part (Pun fully intended )

Once you’ve spent some time thinking about your voice, and how you might best express it to those with whom you’re looking to interact, the next step is to think about monetization.

Well, to put it bluntly, without some return on your investment, you won’t get much needed support, resources and other tools needed to scale up your small operation. You won’t get the exposure you need to get your voice out there either. 


This is where Matt Par comes in!

Having spent much of the last decade cutting his teeth on YouTube, (starting, and successfully building nine YouTube channels in that time) he’s learned, and taught the secret sauce to viral success on these platforms to hundreds of successful marketers, and content creators all over the world. 
For the first time ever, he’s released a series of steps – tried, principle-trusted, and battle-tested methods that’ll save you thousands of hours of trial, and error and get you creating, and earning in a system-proven way so you can reach that dream of a thousand subscribers, and then 10k, 20k subscribers and all the way to the stratosphere!

Mid-Text Disclaimer:

If you’ve read up to this, and have no sense of what your voice is, or want a get rich quick scheme, something that’s passive and easy to do, this is not for you!!!

What do I get to learn?

In truth, there are quite a few YouTube monetization courses on the internet, and each one claims, complete with testimonials and promises that you’ll get everything you ever needed once you make a payment. 
While Matt Par’s method is tried, and tested, you’ll need to apply yourself through consistent work, using the methods taught, and quality content to get to your goals.

Module 1: Overview of the Blueprint

This first module gives you a non-technical introduction to the basics as well as a framework of niches that you might explore.
Also, you’ll get practical step-by-step to key exercises around overcoming the friction around uploading videos. Finally, you’ll get all the information you need on scaling your media operation. 

  • Beta phase: Choosing a niche and planning your content. 
  • Intermediate: Uploading 33 videos
  • Scaling: Outsourcing the work

Module 2: Choosing a niche


After you’ve figured out your art, you need to figure out monetization, the math of things, and you’ll get all you need to select a profitable niche. 
You’ll also get a breakdown of the concept of CPM (Cost Per Thousand), as well as the best niches by CPM, and how to monetize them the right way. 
Besides, you’ll get cutting edge information about conducting market research on the internet, and all the techniques you need to master to do it properly and a list of niches you should consider. 


  • Ways of going about YouTube
  • The Best High CPM Niches
  • Doing Market Research
  • Bonus: List of 100+ Profitable niches

Module 3: Setting up your channel for success


Things get really intense in this module. Here, you’ll learn all the things you need to know about how you can hack 33 videos, and reach a solid threshold for volume, and content. 
You’ll also get tons of information about how to apply SEO to YouTube as well as planning your content strategy. 


  • The 33 Rule and how to use it
  • The Best YouTube tool ever made
  • My secret SEO keyword 
  • Planning your content strategy

Module 4: Uploading videos 

This section deals with native topics around video production, deploying videos systematically for success, editing videos, and making high-appeal thumb nails for your videos. In this section, you’ll learn all everything you need to know about creating videos for YouTube in 2020


  • Anatomy of a viral video
  • How to systematize your videos
  • Where to find free content 
  • How to edit videos for free
  • Making high click-through rate thumbnails

Module 5: The Growth Module 


As its name implies, you’ll get to learn the basics about the algorithms that underpin the YouTube ecosystem, as well as how to consistently deploy videos that perform well, and grow your performance and subscriber base over time. 


  • Understanding YouTube Analytics, and the algorithm
  • How to go truly Viral on YouTube 
  • The Best time to upload your videos

Module 6: The Monetization module


Here, you’ll learn all you need to know about earning from your YouTube channel, as well as the different off-channel methods you should definitely explore. 


  • How to make more money than most YouTubers
  • The many ways of monetizing your channel 
  • My personal favourite way of making money

Module 7: Scaling your channel


This module covers all you need to know about the off-channel factors that’ll make or mar your success. Namely, employees and the proven methods for finding the right people, and systems to build your channel around. 


  • Hiring one person to do all the content creation
  • Making an effective video assembly line
  • Bonus: Fill in the blank scripts for finding, and hiring employees

What’s more? Do you get anything else?

From other courses, maybe not. But Matt Par certainly offers tons more value you can enjoy once you sign up. 

  • Access to an active community of people who have subscribed to, and excelled by using this system. 
  • Fill in the blank scripts for your videos complete with the storytelling arc that’s sure to captivate your audience. 
  • Full case studies to give depth, and context to your learning process and help you make an informed choice as quickly as possible.

When will I start making money?

Well, to be honest, this will vary for each person but what Matt Par’s course guarantees is once you begin, and apply each step CONSISTENTLY over time, you’ll start to see results at about the 33rd video mark. 
Matt Par’s outline has a system dedicated to this thesis, and while it might work for some more than others, and produce differentials based on quality, and acceptability, have a go, because you never know.
You might find gold, or something that earns you a decent amount every month. Either way, you’ll be taking the right steps once you subscribe.


To be sure, YouTube is treacherous territory. There’s at least 31 million channels just like you, trying to get the same eyeballs you’re trying for. 
That’s the wrong way to think about it. 
Find your voice, subscribe to Matt Par’s YouTube Monetization course, hit the 33rd video, and keep creating. You won’t regret your choice. 
Although there are lots of successful YouTubers in the world, there’s no reason why you can join the ranks, succeed and make all your dreams come through. To be sure, Matt Par’s programme makes that journey a little easier.


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